Safely Connecting Our Communities
We’re in the business of making the way safe for everyone.

Dawson Road Maintenance is one of the key members of the Dawson Group, a conglomerate of companies owned by Ian Dawson and his family since 1922. Previously known as Interior Roads, Dawson Road Maintenance rebranded in 2019 after acquiring new highway maintenance service contracts across British Columbia, expanding beyond the central interior. For more than 20 years, Interior Roads had maintained highways between Ashcroft and Quesnel.
The decision to change our name was made after securing the highway maintenance service contracts in British Columbia’s North Peace and Bulkley-Nass regions. Our new name, Dawson Road Maintenance, breaks away from geographic identity and better reflects our ties to the Dawson Group and our sister companies.
At Dawson Road Maintenance, we take pride in being a family-owned business. Our core values — People First, Integrity, Excellence and Respect — are a reflection of these family roots. We believe in the importance of family, both yours and ours, and work each day to improve the communities we serve.

Navigating Unpredictable Terrain
Dawson Road Maintenance Responds Swiftly to Babine Lake Road Washout
In July 2022, several inches of rainfall caused significant flooding along Little Joe Creek, located about 30 kilometres from Smithers on Babine Lake Road. The flooding washed out an old wooden culvert, severely damaging the road and leaving a critical transportation route closed to traffic. Babine Lake Road, a major logging route used by over 100 vehicles daily, was now impassable. The detour added hours to drivers’ trips, and the Smithers sawmill was forced to shut down.
Dawson Road Maintenance crews, along with the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure took immediate action. Our Bridge Team quickly coordinated with local contractors and forestry divisions to find creative solutions. A temporary 40′ forestry bridge was brought in to allow for safe passage while work on the permanent bridge began.
Despite challenges, including limited equipment and tight timelines, the team worked tirelessly to prepare the site for the new bridge. Creative problem-solving, such as finding a closer blast site for rip rap and rebuilding the two 120′ beams and their bracing to make do with a smaller crane, allowed the project to progress ahead of schedule.
These kind of special challenges, often caused by weather or other natural circumstances, reflect the at-times unpredictable nature of road maintenance work in British Columbia. Our roads pass through many wild areas and while the scenery is spectacular, the imposing mountains and rugged terrain pose constant challenges. We know that the work we do is critical to the safety of our families, our communities, and the success of our province.
Babine Lake Road Washout Response
/ Temporary 40′ forestry bridge installed
/ New 120-foot bridge replacement
/ Completed ahead of schedule
Safety & Environment
Keeping roads safe is our top priority

Public safety is our top priority. At Dawson Road Maintenance, we know that making safety our first concern starts where it matters most — with our trucks, graders, and yards.
Safety is more than a priority; it’s a culture we foster and nurture throughout our workforce. Only by ensuring the safety of our workers can we ensure the safety of the public.
Our crews undergo regular training in all aspects of safe operations, from avalanche preparedness and safe driving to best practices in fieldwork. We also develop extensive traffic management plans, and share crucial road safety updates with the public through a variety of channels, including Facebook, X, and DriveBC.
We’re committed to safety, every day. We don’t just talk about it — we live it.