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North Peace

North Peace Service Areas

Dawson Group celebrates our communities’ diversity on Multiculturalism Day

At Dawson Group, we embrace our differences and the cultures that make our diverse communities unique. Celebrate the uniqueness of Canadian diversity and what makes our country such a strong and wonderful place to live, work, play and enjoy life. On Friday, June 27, let’s h

Respect the road during Cone Zone this summer

Most of us are excited to hit the road this summer and explore our amazing province. While you are on the road driving to your activities, please remember to drive safely and avoid distracted driving. Please respect the hard working crews that are busy on our roadways by slowing

Service Area 22 helps crown Crystal Cup champions

Our Dawson Road Maintenance (DRM) yard in Fort St. John was thrilled to help drop the puck in February at a beloved outdoor hockey tournament. The 10th Annual Crystal Cup Pond Hockey Challenge took place in Service Area 22 on Charlie Lake, which featured 77 teams a

Fort St. John: Big city amenities, small-town feel

Work hard, play hard. Companies such as Dawson Road Maintenance offer competitive wages and benefits. Once your day at the office is done, there are plenty of lakes and wilderness adventures waiting for you just past the Fort St. John city boundaries.  https://www.youtu

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